The African American Leadership Institute (AALI) is designed to enhance civic awareness and leadership opportunities to make an innovative community impact on Central Texas.

Launched in January 2021, our mission is to build a stronger Black Austin community by equipping exceptional leaders to live up to their moral responsibility to seek to make life better for everyone in our city, state, and the world.


AALI’s annual Fellowship Cohort targets exceptional leaders (fellows) who engage in intensive community building and “deep dives” into multiple issue areas with a lens toward the Black community in Central Texas. Objectives for every Cohort session and event are to inform, connect and activate!

  • Expose Fellows to the history and culture of Austin's Black community. Generate data to better understand issues of Black flight and employee retention in Central Texas

  • Identify emerging Black leaders and expose them to other community leaders and professional, civic, and social engagement opportunities

  • Engage Fellows in class projects focusing on policy/systems change, hands-on community engagement, and AALI program sustainability and expansion


CEO of SailPoint Technologies

“We have a lot of talented people who need more training, development, and exposure. AALI shows up, providing exactly that.”



AALI’s network is comprised of Fellows, Alumni, Sponsors and Ally Partners. Our public facing events offer opportunities for the broader community to engage in all-inclusive settings beyond the annual Fellowship Cohort.

“Networking is not about just connecting people. It's about connecting people with people, people with ideas, and people with opportunities.”